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Skype Inside

Quite a good article and logical analysis. Here's another problem: every so often when making Skype Out calls you will get an unsolicited feedback request opening your browser. The URL of that feedback is not even SSL, just http and it contains the telephone number you have just called, along with your Skype ID. Hit send and that is potentially useful information to eves droppers.


And I hear more and more big (starting from 100 users to 50.000 users) that decide to abandon skype due to lack of manageability. A very sad and doomed scenario could be lurking around the corner. Skype rang the VoIP bell and woke up people. The viral marketing is great and many users will still join but something better happen soon in order to address the business-markets. Skype is now on the list of allowed but not totally authorized programs due to certain security holes in it's setup. Flaws that better better addressed sooner than later.

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