Just found little bit of info on it on the forum.skype.com. Right here. There is an early download available. It has been there for a while. A search on google skype with smartphones reveals this.
A generic name for voice centric mobile phones with information capability. The Ericsson R380 Smartphone is an example of such a Symbian OS phone.
Look at the image I found here : http://msmobiles.com/news.php/3397.html
I want like many people a phone that does, sms, which looks like a normal cellphone and which has and extended reach into existing wifi networks (hot-spots). I also want the wifi-networks to provide me with a “special channel” for VoIP in order to provide the possibility to jump from hotspot to hotspot, independent from the provider. My phone must chose the best suitable hotspot for VoIP automatically. I don’t want much, I just want it to work. Not everybody is allways a geek.
Google defines smartphone like this.