I actually tested it briefly (let’s say touched it for 10 minutes in a store here in Malaysia and I did some calling with over an available wifi). It worked fine. Even over GPRS. Costs about 2500 RM (convert on www.oanda.com) which is really no money at all, considering all the saving on your phone-bill !
And it comes with a preloaded stable Skype version run under Windows Mobile 5.0. I checke the sound quality while running under WIFI on a hot spot (www.airzed.com) and with GPRS over 3G from Celcom. Worked fine.
Perfect. You can even get it in Malaysia. It is also like a normal cellphone, but it comes with so much more. I still prefer a pda-computer with a cellphone than a cellphone with a computer. Totally different devices if you ask me.
Google Search Results on E-TEN M600 here and here.
See www.notebookshop.com.my (Malaysia) for a good overview of the PDA devices.
And the advertising above could be yours if you contact me and we shall review the device after usage and then return it. Buying samples is possible too...